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Friday, September 06, 2024

After Moondog (1995) by Jane Shapiro

 1,001 Novels: A Library of America
After Moondog (1995)
by Jane Shapiro
South Orange, New Jersey
New Jersey: 12/13

   After Moondog is a sad divorced suburban mom novel.  The back flap says that three of the chapters first appeared as short stories in the New Yorker, and she's only written one novel since then, The Dangerous Husband, in 2000.   I frequently read novels about divorce, particularly divorces with young children involved, and ask myself what is wrong with these people.  You mean to tell me that you can't stick it out in your cold but comfortable relationship for 15 years to spare your children a lifetime of trauma?  Sure, I understand spouses who flee domestic violence or other, non-physical kinds of abuse, but usually in the world of literary fiction divorce is about one partner who is desperately unhappy for literally no reason, and another partner who either doesn't care or can't help the first partner. 

  People in these books move out to the suburbs, have kids without questioning why and then five years later they wonder why they are unhappy.  That's not just the characters in After Moondog, it describes at least 20 novels I've read for the 1,001 Novels: A Library of America project.

  At least it means I'm almost finished with this chapter.  The only book left is Clockers by Richard Price.  I'm actually excited to re-read Clockers, even though I forgot that it is a 600 page book.

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