Dedicated to classics and hits.

Friday, February 07, 2025

Just Plain Murder (2018) by Laura Bradford

 1,001 Novels: A Library of America
Just Plain Murder (2018)
by Laura Bradford
Paradise, Pennsylvania 
Pennsylvania: 4/27

   Editor Susan Straight loves herself a regional detective novel, so I wasn't surprised that "Amish Country" is represented in the 1,001 Novels project by, yes, you guessed it, a detective novel set in Amish country.  Straight calls this "an engrossing debut" in her map copy but this was honestly one of my least favorite books in the entire 1,001 Novels project.  The narrator is not the detective himself but rather his girlfriend, a thirty-something who has retreated to Amish country to run a small tchotchke store after her marriage in New York City broke up.   There is less action in Just Plain Murder than your average coming of age book about an underprivileged girl growing up in the urban Northeast- and fewer murders.  When the mystery is finally solved, the reader is likely to be struck by the over-all weakness of the entire book. And so much talk about this sad ladies feelings. 

Thursday, February 06, 2025

Juice (2024) by Tim Winton

 Book Review
Juice (2024)
by Tim Winton

  Juice is a well-regarded new novel by Australian author Tim Winton- it hasn't been released inside the US yet, though you can buy an international version on Amazon in semi-bootleg fashion.  I picked up the hardback during my recent visit to Ireland.  Juice is the story of an un-named narrator from future Australia who has been captured by another nameless survivor as he seeks a resting spot with a similarly un-named little girl.  As he sits in his cage, trying to talk his way out of what feels like certain doom, he narrates his past in chapter sized portions, with his interlocutory frequently commenting on his chattiness.  The frame of the story isn't great, but the story itself:  About surviving in the post-global warming north of Australia as a homesteader and agent for an anarchist band of fighters seeking to extirpate the remainders of the old world order, is.

    Winton combines a well-researched understanding of homesteading in the wastes of Australia with a decent grasp of human emotion and a vision of far-future life that sounds extremely plausible.  Great horrors are hinted at but rarely described, rather Winton produces a survival narrative punctuated with episodes of astonishing violence- a savvy combination that had me wondering if Juice had been purchased by Apple/Netflix/HBOmax for a tv version before it even came out in the US.  It's not hard to imagine the events of Juice being transferred to the American southwest or a post-global warming great plains- one of the critical episodes even takes place in the well-described Utah wilderness.   American fans of clim-fic would be well advised to watch for the American release, sure to be forthcoming, or even pick up the semi-bootleg foreign editions for sale at Amazon right now.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

She's Always Hungry (2024) by Eliza Clark

 Audiobook Review
She's Always Hungry (2024)
by Eliza Clark

   I'm pretty sure I read about She's Always Hungry in the Guardian, though it also got a great capsule review in the horror column of the New York Times book review which called it one of the "best collections of the year, horror or otherwise."  I agree with that assessment and Clark reminds me of one of the wave of Latin American authors- Mariana Enriquez. Samantha Schweblin and Fernanda Melchor- who use horror motifs to write what is essentially literary fiction in a scare-suit.  I really enjoyed listening to this Audiobook- particularly those stories narrated by the Author herself, where she comes across as a mix between Sally Rooney and R.F. Kuang.

    Unusually for a short story collection, they all landed with me. That tells me that Clark is very good at getting herself into and out of set-ups without leaving the reader confused (too little information) or bored (too much).  Highly recommend this collection and excited for whatever comes next from Eliza Clark(English)

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Old School (2003) by Tobias Wolff

 1,001 Novels: A Library of America
Old School (2003)
by Tobias Wolff
Pottstown, Pennsylvania 
Pennsylvania: 3/27

   The way the Pennsylvania picks for the 1,001 Novels: A Library of America are arranged geographically, there is a heavy concentration inside the triangle of Philadelphia, Lancaster and Allentown, weighted towards Philly.  There's are no picks from the entire Northwest quadrant of the state, and then a smattering of titles between Philly and Pittsburgh.   Old School, set at a prep school, is located smack in the center of the eastern triangle of titles and it is also notable because Tobias Wolff, is, astonishingly, the first author to be selected twice in the 1,001 Novels: A Library of American project.  Wolff, of course, is already in the 1,001 Novels project representing New Jersey with another school (university) set title, The Final Club.

   I actually enjoyed Old School- I picked it out because it was available as an Audiobook selection- because it involves real life authors visiting this fictious school and thus engages with popular-American literary culture circa the late 1950's early 1960's, as witnessed by a student at the school- the narrator.  The Final Club (1990) and this book were written a decade apart.  If you look at his Amazon Author page, this book is his third top title and The Final Club is out of print, so.  

   I really liked reading/hearing about Ayn Rand and Hemingway as characters, and the thoughts that these characters had about them, although there is nothing ground-breaking as far as actual insight goes, it makes the prep-school centered plot less insufferable than it would have otherwise been (see my review of The Final Club.) 

Monday, February 03, 2025

Language City (2024) by Ross Perlin

Audiobook Review

Language City (2024)
by Ross Perlin

    I hesitate to out myself as a fan of language and languages given the lack of broad audience appeal for this sort of contact.  I'm not a die hard language guy, and I'm not a specialist in the field but I have a general interest in the study of languages that extends beyond engaging with Duolingo (Spanish, Chinese(Mandarin) and Irish).   I checked the Audiobook of Language City, written by a linguistic scholar for a general audience, after I read the New York Times review.  It wasn't a rave, but the subject matter and the idea of hearing this book, rather than reading it, made me go for it.  

   Language City is narrated by the author, a linguistic scholar with ties to... I think... Columbia University, in the field of ethno-linguistic preservation studies.   Certainly, with the exception of the recounting of certain preservation related field-trips to the foothills of the Himalayas, Language City is New York, and the idea of the book is to give a mixed view of the past and present vis a vis New York being the absolute apogee of world linguistic diversity.   Some the chapters are about hardcore linguistic preservation efforts with which the author is utterly engaged and other chapters, the chapter on Yiddish, for example, is more about the history of languages in the New York City.  

   I enjoyed Language City  as an Audiobook, because, as I suspected, Perlin himself has recordings he himself made on these different languages, and listening to the Audiobook allows the reader to hear those recordings, instead of just reading about them on the page.  Add that as an exhibit to the ongoing "Are Audiobooks actually as good as written books/do they count?" debate. 

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