1,001 Novels: A Library of America
The Ice at the Bottom of the World (1990)
by Mark Richard
Franklin, Virginia
Virginia: 14/17
This collection of short-stories won the Faulkner/Pen AWARD in 1990. He published one other collection of short-stories, one novel and one work of non-fiction. As the Penguin product page makes clear, you can file Richard under "southern gothic," comparing him to Faulkner and Flannery O'Connor. I didn't have to read the product page to get that vibe- it comes through on every page. When I read an author with a career trajectory like Mark Richard: early short story collection wins a prize, a debut novel that doesn't sell and then...nothing...I'm always interested in the question of "what happened?" Here, the combination of reading his short story collection and a description of his first and only novel, Fishboy, gives me a good idea of what happened. His first novel didn't sell, and there was nothing about the way it didn't sell to inspire a big publisher to give him another shot, and Richard, for whatever reasons either couldn't or wouldn't take a step backwards. His Wikipedia page fills in the rest- he moved to Los Angeles and started writing and producing both network and prestige series television. There you have it.