Dedicated to classics and hits.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Ways of Wolf(2017) by James Carlos Blake

 Audiobook Review
The Ways of the Wolf (2017)
by James Carlos Blake

   The New York Times obituary for noir/crime writer James Carlos Blake caught by attention by not only comparing him to Cormac McCarthy but also by using this sub-header: "His savage fiction, set in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands, demonstrated his belief that “violence is the most elemental truth of life."   The fact that I'd never heard of him despite being a huge fan or McCarthy and decently well-versed in the world of crime fiction through friends & acquaintances is yet another example of how useful the New York Times obituary section can be for picking up new books to read.   Since he was a genre writer I thought I'd look for an Audiobook  but the only library available audiobook was the fifth volume in his Wolf family saga, about an Anglo-Texas cross-border family immersed in "the shade trade"- mostly selling guns to cartels as far as I can tell.

    Anyway, since I heard about Blake from a New York Times obituary, I'm not going to act like I'm on to anything here. I'm surprised there aren't Audiobooks available for all his titles.  I'm def going to look for his actual books when I am bookstores going forward.

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