Dedicated to classics and hits.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

BILLIONS CLUB: Arctic Monkeys (4/381)


Arctic Monkeys (4/381)
133/381* =  35%
* there should actually be 383 songs on the list but there are only 381 songs on the playlist even after two were added this week.

     I've been dubious of the BILLIONS CLUB claim that it has "every Spotify song with one billion streams."  My suspicions have been confirmed after this week, when two new songs were added but they overall track count remained at 381, which means either the total track count is inaccurate, which seems impossible OR that two tracks were rotated off the playlist to keep the overall number of tracks at 381.   So I'm going to keep it at 381 because that is what the actual playlist says, but we all know there are at least 383 songs with one billion streams or more, not 381.

   One of the tracks from this week is I Wanna Be Yours, the third track from their 2013 album AM to make it into the Billions Club.  This is the first non-single to make it- the other two billion streamers from AM are Do I Wanna Know? and Why'd You Only Call Me When Your High?  Their fourth track is from their 2007 record, Favourite Worst Nightmare- 505.  Not sure what the deal is with that last song- big on tik-tok?  Used in a teen vampire flick?   Arctic Monkey's are the first rock band on this list that you could plausibly call "cool."  The billion streams for three songs off AM likely reflects their tremendous popularity in the UK & EU and their moderate popularity here in the US.   They are also a perennial favorite on alt rock radio, and I think regular play is a significant factor in whether rock tunes can get one billion streams.

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