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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Clear (2024) by Carys Davies

 Book Review
Clear (2024)
by Carys Davies

  I know I read West, the 2018 debut novel by Welsh author Carys Davies (She/Her, I think) but I never posted about it here.  West was about a would-be fossil hunter living on the American frontier in the early 19th century.  Hearing about the discovery of giant bones on the Great Plains, he leaves his family in search of his own discoveries.  The family notably includes his young daughter, who splits narrating duties with her absent pere.   Six years later we've got Clear, a slight 150 page novel about a Scottish minister who is dispatched to a remote island between the Orkney's and Norway to evict its sole tenant as part of the clearance movement in the UK.   Other than describing the fact that this guy goes to this island and interacts with this guy, there isn't anything a reviewer can say that doesn't function as a spoiler for the plot. 

 I listened to the Audiobook, enjoyed the accents and the whole thing was over in a little over 3 hours.

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