
Friday, April 05, 2024

Lost on Me (2023) by Veronica Raimo

 Book Review
Lost on Me (2023)
by Veronica Raimo
Translated by Leah Janeczko

  Lost on Me is another title from the 2024 International Booker longlist- the shortlist arrived next week.  Lost on Me arrives in translation on the strength of its status as an Italian best-seller.  It is, surprise, surprise, a work of Auto-fiction/bildungsroman about a woman growing up in Rome.   Nothing in Lost on Me really stood out to me, even in comparison to other works of auto-fiction longlisted for the Booker International Prize in 2024.  Specifically, I thought both The Details and What I'd Rather Not Think About were better and were also auto-fiction written by young women.  I'd be totally surprised to see Lost on Me make it through to the 2024 Booker International shortlist. 

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