
Monday, February 19, 2024

Show Review: Topographies, Secret Attraction & Trit95 @ Genghis Cohen LA

 Show Review:
Secret Attraction &
@ Genghis Cohen (Los Angeles, CA)

     Another night where I just felt fortunate there was a show- any show- to go to in Los Angeles.  Recent months have had me nostalgic for pre-pandemic local music, even though back in 2019 I was totally over local music and couldn't be bothered to go to a single show that could be described as "local music show."   Technically, last night was a bill with three non-local bands, though I would count Secret Attraction (PHX) and Trit95 (SD) as "local" based on my theory that Southern California:  Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino, Imperial and Ventura all represent one market, in that you can get to any point to any other point in the are within a couple hours if you time your drive right.  Topographies was down from San Francisco for their album release party.   Dream put out an ep by Topographies and we have some kind of limited tape coming out.  Secret Attraction had a deal with Dream but it was cancelled by mutual consent over timing issues (Derek was impatient AF to put the record out).  Trit95 has two records- a compilation of his prior releases that we mixed and mastered that is at the test pressing stage and a record of new material that hasn't been recorded (or written? I don't know.)

    I'd never been to Genghis Cohen- which is both a fully functional "East Coast Chinese" food restaurant AND a venue that hosts both live music and stand-up comedy.  I still haven't been to the restaurant and this was my first time at the venue.  I was excited that the show was a sell-out, though I simply can't imagine that the capacity is over 50- it felt like maybe 35-40.  Also the show didn't sell out far enough in advance, which is something I now know "real" music industry people take into account.  You want a show to sell out quickly, not the night before the concert.  But at the local music level, a sell out is a sell out, because there are plenty of local music shows that don't even come close to selling out, or are free.  So the show sold out, which was great.

  Trit95 took the stage at 8:30 PM.  I may (and in fact am) biased, but Trit95 has the biggest Spotify listener ship of the three acts, and I felt like the room was the most crowded for his set.  This was the second or third time I've seen his 20 minute opener set with the three piece arrangement.  I thought it was, again, great, even though the lighting arrangement was inferior compared to the two bands after.  The three piece/no drummer look is a good vibe and I actually told the band after the show they really do NOT need a drummer.  Maybe the keyboard guy can hit a drum pad in his set up- because that it was a good look- but a live drummer is 100% superfluous in 2024.  This is a battle I've been fighting since 2008, but I think in 2024 there is no argument at any level of the music industry that you only need a live drummer if you are a full on professional touring band.

   Personally, I'm anxious to see a full headlining set, how many tickets he could sell etc.  We had a conversation after the show which indicated he needs to get signed up with a PRO- ASCAP, BMI, SESAC right away.  He mentioned he has a song coming out with EYEDRESS (16 million monthly listeners) and of course, the compilation LP I'm putting out. 

    Secret Attraction was next up.  Derek had the lighting situation figured out- they played with a blue wash that gave the velvet curtain in back a literal David Lynch vibe.   It was another solid set from Secret Attraction.  I saw on their social media that they were recording new material the other week- Derek is obssessed with being productive as possible, so I'm ready to start hearing new material.  Also interested to hear about their next LA area show- I know there will be one soon, knowing Derek, and having established a sell-out at any level means there will be interest from other venues.  I would love to see a similar bill at Zebulon or El Cid, to see how many tickets would sell etc.  Any of these bands by themselves would be worth booking just to get a read on the interest level.

    Topographies headlined- they have a new record out as of Interior Spring- although I haven't seen a single mention of it anywhere.  Like all bands who have put something out on Dream and then moved on, I'm always puzzled that they just didn't see how great Dream is, but understanding that for an individual artist, all they see is what Dream has done for THEM and they certainly don't have any interest or knowledge of the pre-Dream history.   So, I get it, but I can't help but be a little critical.   Mostly what I observe is that these acts have an opportunity to work with a label that has been there for close to a dozen artists making it to the pros over a fifteen year window, for some label that has been there for exactly zero artists making to the pros.  I know Mario doesn't talk to the bands like that, but that is what I'm thinking.

   Anyway, Topographies was good- they've got a UK/EU tour coming up which should be fun and the new record is out and available for sale in bandcamp.  Like I said, I think Dream is making a tape but don't have any details beyond the back and forth emails about production and the invoices.   If you have  a chance, go see Topographies on tour and buy the vinyl of the new record.

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