
Tuesday, January 09, 2024

The English Understand Wool (2022) by Helen DeWitt

 Book Review
The English Understand Wool (2022)
by Helen DeWitt

   The English Understand Wool is a novella published in 2022 by New Directions as part of their Storybooks project- which is designed to feature shorter novellas that are written with the idea that they can be read in a single sitting.   Success! This short book about a stunning 17 year old girl is, indeed, as the promotional materials claim: a heist story, an ethica; treatise, a send-up of media culture, a defense of education and an indelibly memorable character portrait.  I agree with all of that language.  I simply could not put The English Understand Wool  down and I did read it at one go.  It is one of those books that will lose power if you know the plot going in, so it's best just to say, read it- it shouldn't take you more than an hour back to front...

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