
Sunday, July 23, 2023

Once Upon A Time In Hollywood (2021) by Quentin Tarantino

 Book Review
Once Upon A Time in Hollywood (2021)
by Quentin Tarantino

  I'm not Tarantino-stan, and I fully acknowledge how annoying his fandom can act, but I wanted to say that I checked out the Audiobook of this loose novelization of Tarantino's most recent movie, narrated by Jennifer Jason Leigh, and I found it very interesting and worthwhile, but only for fans of the film.  If you haven't seen the film this book functions as a full-on spoiler.  However if you've seen the film and loved it, you simply must check out the book version because Tarantino includes all kind of backstory and scenes that must have been cut from the screen play or never were in the screen play.  He doesn't just put in the scenes from the film- those all happen "off camera" as it were, so the overall impact is pleasant.  Worth looking for in you Libby library app!

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