
Thursday, February 16, 2023

Local Music Blog 2006

  Local Music Blog 2006

   2006 was the first full year for this blog.  At this point, I had put out a 7" for Fifty on Their Heels, and I was putting on shows in Golden Hill- I did a few at the Moose Lodge in South Park and then I did Sessions Fest in the park in Golden Hill.  It seems like another life.   I don't think I wrote about anything except San Diego local music in 2006.    This is a distillation of the blog back in 2006, I deleted dozens of posts before I put it together.

Show Review: 
Fifty on Their Heels 
@ Transport, 
Assorted NY Dolls @ Modus, 
Some Scene Gossip...

    Fifty on Their Heels returned to Transport (@the Whistle Stop in Golden Hill) last night- first time back since about this time last year, if I'm not mistaken. I've heard that they have a whole album worth of material ready to record- the talk is that they'll be back in the studio in september but the record may not come out for a while, so if you want to hear the new songs, you should come check em out- like maybe next week at 'Canes- with San Diego "Best New Artist Nom"(and winner?) Grand Ole Party- on Wednesday night. Again- no pictures since I managed to lose the digital camera in the beauty bar/ken club craz-e-ness on Friday night- damn you delicious girlie girl cocktails from Beauty Bar!!!

     Transport was packed, packed, packed by the time I left. No offense to transport or whistle stop, but if there is an enormous sweaty mass of people at an event, my presence is likely superfluous.

       After the gig, we all headed over to the New York Dolls afterparty at Modus. Why, you know about Modus, right? New restaurant/dj spot on fourth avenue between juniper and ivy? I was there for the first time last night- no food in site, so no comments about the food. the space is pretty good- they have a fully enclosed outdoor smoking patio, which is a nice thing for a summer night in San Diego. drinks were somewhat reasonable- somewhere between a dive bar and the Gaslamp. whatever meathead was working the door last night was a total dickhead (not the cashier, but the door man). Dude- you're working at Modus- people under 21 can't afford the $10 cover, and they wouldn't know who the NY Dolls are, so settle down on the asking for two(!) different forms of id for our friend who came down from Los Angeles, k?

       The New York Dolls(no David Johansen, and obviously, no Johnny Thunders) spun a set of vintage rock and roll- like, the Shangri La's, Little Richard etc. Morgan was running around taking his shirt off, and the members of Fifty on Their Heels were butt ass wasted. We left at 1:30 and who knows what happened next? Probably more drinking, I'm guessing.

               The crowd was in line with what I'd expect from a $10 cover- older and smaller then what one might otherwise expect. It's all good though- after Friday nights beauty bar mad house (450+ in attendance, i heard) the fresh air and breathing room was nice.  I may drop a restaurant review of Modus into the mix, but I want to give them time to prepare for me. Oh- and, I guess Gabe Vega and the Beauty Bar have parted ways? Word tells me that Gabe is now a "consultant" and that Erika is now in charge of booking. Maybe the Gaslamp is calling Gabe Vega? I know a venue or ten that SHOULD be standing in line for his services...

Show Review:
 Grand Ole Party, 
Fifty on Their Heels, 
Non Prophet, 
David Hermsen

             First off- from a ticket sales perspective: this was Non Prophet's crowd. 80% of the crowd... was there for Non Prophet. If you haven't heard of Non Prophet, they are a five piece band and they have a heavy metal/ hardcore hybrid sound. It is a lot of sound. They had the fans, most of whom left before Fifty on Their Heels played and all of whom left before the end of Grand Ole Party's set. That is just a factually true observation.

          Fifty on Their Heels is playing more of their new stuff in concert... certainly a welcome trend for me, since I've seen them a bazillion times. Something that I thought was interesting about last night's performance was Junior Metro using a bigger stage. Most of the stages that Fifty on Their Heels play on are small and close to the ground. The stage at 'Canes is about four feet off the ground and freaking enormous. That was really apparent when Non Prophet was thrashing about. For example, Junior kept trying to see how far he could run across the stage before being pulled back by his guitar plug.

          It should be good practice for the Adams Avenue Street Fair stage(enormous, I'm hoping?) and the SoCo Music Experience(w/ Mudhoney!) on either 9/9 or 9/10- don' know if i can announce that yet, but this is my first post ALL DAY- so, you know... That's going to a free event. I think they had one in Atlanta already- i will investigate.

        And Grand Ole Party... Grand Ole Party... there has been some hanging out with Louis XIV at their fortress of solitude/recording studio at an undisclosed location in San Diego county(not where i'd expect, personally). They put on a really great set, which was cool, because it was kind of like one band playing for the other band and vice versa (in essence- apologies to the twenty or so other folks in the club...) It reminded me of the Fifty on Their Heels/ Power Chords show at the CHOB for Fifty on Their Heels all ages record release party... in April.

     It was kind of a mellow, intimate vibe- but in this ridiculously large venue. I think I made a mistake in assuming that there would be people at 'Canes on a Wednesday night in august, just... hanging out... already. that was not true in any substantial way. almost everyone there was there for the show. Grand Ole Party is really growing on me... particularly the guitarist. I think... Louis XIV will not let them get away from Atlantic. That's just too easy a decision.

        i don't think we'll get an offer to come back to 'canes once they look at ticket sales, but it was nice to try to reach outside of the comfort zones with a couple great bands that were new to the venue. I mean, you have to try. Thanks to the super friendly 'Canes employees who made us all feel welcome!

Band Personnel Guide: 
Plot to Blow up the Eiffel Tower, 
The Prayers,
 Some Girls, 
Charles Rowland and the Vultures
OK East Coasters- Plot to Blow Up The Eiffel Tower is coming to New York City for the big CMJ Show Case

CMJ Show case w/ Slits, Plot to Blow Up the Eiffel Tower, AIDS Wolf...(via Brooklyn Vegan)

That means all you indie nation bloggers gotta get the line ups straight. As you almost certainly already know, each member of the the Plot is in at least ONE side project.

Here's a thumbnail sketch of each act...

Plot: the most well known, only likes to play all ages venues, on revelation/31G records.
The Prayers: half of plot + Andrew M. who looks and kind of sounds like Pete Doherty proper analogy is to the libertines or babyshambes or dirty pretty things(?). On Art Fag(San Diego) records.

Some Girls is on Epitaph, and is apparently the dirty little secret of Chuck Rowland, since the Epitaph website has him listed as "Chuck Rowell". Don't know what's up with that, but it's him. Some Girls is big in Australia.

Charles Rowland and the Vultures- Second Charles Rowland related side project. Rare sighting generally occur at the Beauty Bar San Diego. Also on Art Fag records, which is run by Mario Orduno.

Plot/Art Fag related club nights:

Raw Power @ Landlord Jim's in Golden Hill(represent)
f. DJ Andrew M.(prayers)

Show Review:  
 w/ Qu'est-ce Que C'est
 & UV Tigers KICK OUT THE JAMS @ the Moose Lodge

This is not an actual picture of Aaron from the UV Tigers playing guitar behind his head, but is rather meant to crudely approximate an actual occurrence from last nights Chicken!

So we've had three shows and here is a list of the bands that have played:

Fifty on Their Heels
UV Tigers
The Power Chords
The Glossines
Qu'est-ce Que C'est
Vanja James

That's a three show line up that we're pretty proud of.  Last night was a fitting end to our Chicken! trial run.  The UV Tigers gave an intriguing glimpse of an alternate universe where they are a psychedelic 70s jam band instead of being the fairly tight, polished alt rock heroes that they are now.

All of the UV Tigers were really nice! I had a great time talking to Aaron Swanton, the guitarist(ex-Scarlett Symphony).  We talked a little about the music industry & other stuff.  Qu'est-ce Que C'est put on yet another excellent set- their synthy sounds were well suited (oddly enough) for the humble environs of the moose lodge.  Since we determined at about 8:15 that this was going to be our last show for a while, I thought it was important to try to see how late we could go without attracting the cops.  So the UV Tigers humbly agreed to play "kick out the jams" style.  And did they kick out the jams!  Their first song was about, oh, ten minutes long?  They were so loud you could hear perfectely from across the street, and they managed to play almost until 11 PM!  That beats our previous late finish of 10 PM by an hour!

Aaron, like Clark Kent, played the guitar behind his head and brought like, eighteen different pedals.  When I angrily confronted him after the show (accusing him of being a peter frampton style show boater) he assured me that he usually only brought a single pedal, but he wanted to bring it all because he knew the show would be pretty laid back (i.e. nearly empty).

But again, maybe that was what's cool about it- that's a refrain that I've used before- most notably at the near empty Fifty on Their Heels/Grand Ole Party show @ 'Canes; or the near empty record release CHOB show in april with the Power Chords & Fifty on Their Heels.  It's a chance to really see the bands in a relaxed, collegial environment.  I'm not sure it's worth the $300 I flush down the toilet everytime we do a show there, but it's something of value - a good environment for the bands to hang out, too.

Travis from Qu'est-ce Que C'est & Aaron were both enthusiastic about the "potential" (i.e. unrealized) of the venue.  Everyone seemed to think that the bar should be emphasized- I mean, $2 beers? Come on, that's a draw.  Of course, that wasn't really the point- the point was do an all-ages thing.  Actually, it's quite possible to do both, but the underlying reality is that the number of under 21's who are interested in this project is less than 10.  I have more hope in getting an over-21 crowd, but that isn't really the problem here - there are plenty of bars and clubs to play - although I note that the Moose Lodge is closer to central Golden Hill than the Whislte Stop.

So Chicken! won't happen for september (adams avenue steet fair), october (golden hill block party), or november.  Maybe in December.  Maybe.

Kate Sessions Fest is on SATURDAY

it should be good...

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Show Review:  

Is there any question that the CHOB is the beating heart of the San Diego underground?  My understanding is that the Power Chords were the first band to book shows there.  Although the CHOB has been plagued by some "technical" issues(i.e. cops) you just can't take away the great energy during shows.

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Atoms were first- they were great.  A crowd favorite- are the Atoms kings and queens of the underage scene in San Diego?  I'll probably have to check out the Plot @ the Che before I can make that call- but it FEELS right.  There were fifty plus kids there already for Atoms @ nine.  And they brought it.  Like always.

Between Atoms and Mika Miko I had a chance to sit and talk with Michelle Suarez from MIKA MIKO- she plays guitar and keyboards.  She expressed enthusiasm for the San Diego scene; I expressed enthusiasm for the LA scene(Part Time Punks, Hear Gallery, Little Pedro's, etc).  She saw the Sess and the Prayers @ Part Time Punks- said she loved Atoms and the Power Chords.  She probably hasn't heard Fifty on Their Heels- so- I think I know who's getting a Fifty on Their Heels CD in the mail!

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Mika Miko- that's Michelle in the center.   Jennifer Clavin is the singer in that picture- they have two.  The CHOB was packed for Mika Miko.  Local scene luminaries from iSociety!(the rythym section) & Art Fag- Mario Orduno & Andrew from the Prayers packed it in with the sweaty, arguably intoxiciated underagers to dance to the crazy beats!  Mika Miko uses two singers- they take turn shouting/screaming the lyrics into home made microphones- like the one from last night- visible here- it's an old phone receiver!

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Red phone = microphone! Michelle told me after the show that they have a blow dryer too, but were to scared to use it in the tiny confines of CHOB.

Then after the totally, fucking, awesome Mika Miko set all these people showed up on bikes- like a gang or something.

What's up with that?
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Bike Gang @ CHOB!

It's a good time right now for the san diego underground- but how underground will it stay? and for how long?  enjoy it while it lasts!

Sessions Fest Summarized in One Photo
tags: golden hill. fifty on their heels, sessions fest, mc flow, society, jezebel, the boyish charms, cat dirt, cat dirt records, san diego, music
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Session Fest Summary, 
Part One of a Multipart Series

OK- I'm going to do something a little different for the Sessions Fest Reveiw(s). That is- I'm going to post a different piece of the review once a day on monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday & friday. That way I'll be able to talk a little bit about each band (and dj edgartronic) without lumping them all together in one big "mega post" i think the mega posting is something that needs to be avoided.

Anyway- there was a great turnout yeaterday- maybe as many as 650 total, with about 250 there for the bands at the end of the day. Thanks to everybody who turned out- you all rock. Especially the small children and the adults. I was expecting a higher proportion of hipsters- but you know what- i'd rather have the old people and the small children. I get plenty of hipster action at the beauty bar san diego and the san diego sports club.

The next event that I'll be focusing on is the September 10th day of the Southern Comfort Music Exprerience- The Roots, Mudhoney & Fifty on Their Heels, among others- that's free- 21+. Also Adams Avenue Street Fair is coming up- with Fifty on Their Heels, The Power Chords & Grand Ole Party on the same stage on saturday. Oh- and UV Tigers are playing Sports Club on Friday- that should be a rad show- it's a benefit for Abattoir magazine. More on that next week.

So check it out on monday at lunch time for the first sessions fest review: the boyish charms & mc flow.
tuesday: jezebel & the sess
wednesday: the new collapse & dj edgartronic
thursday: fifty on their heels
friday: iSociety!

Sessions Fest Review, Part II: The Boyish Charms & MC Flow

Let me start by thanking everyone who showed up.  Historically, change is the result of small numbers of people working together and caring about stuff - the rest of the population just follows along.  It's true in politics and in culture.  In a cultural milleu, this includes both performers/artists and spectators/audience.  One does not exist without the other, both are prerequisites for change, but the total number does not have to be that large - 100 or 200 really passionate people can be enough.  With that said...

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Hey look at me I'm avant photographer Ryan McGinley (specifically referencing the cover of Volume 10, Number 11 of Vice Magazine "Nature").

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The Boyish Charms

We asked The Boyish Charms to play because Cat Dirt wife is a pretty big fan of their sound and, in part, they run The Habitat - a recording studio/performance space one block away from us on 21st St - between Broadway and C St.  Cat Dirt Wife and I have been to one show there and it was super cool - just very indie rock/freak folk kind of situation.  Mellow, nawwhatimean?

So we thought they'd be perfect to open because they have a mellow indie pop sound that harkens back to Elephant 6 - one of the Charms, Cam, was wearing a neutral milk hotel t-shirt - so you get the sound - perfect for a warm summer day in the park, really.  And they were great!! Robbie brought sugar cookies with "Boyish Charms" or "BC" written on them.  They had a good size posse of fans who showed up in support, although no twirling hippie as Robbie noted - next time, next time (Cat Dirt wife will grow her hair out if she has to).  We threw the frisbee around before the set - and people really liked them. And that's great - since they do their own shows right here in Golden Hill and offer recording services - So check them out on myspace: The Habitat.
The Habitat brings cool bands from out of town too so keep an eye on their shows.

Oh holy shit - they have a dub act... and they've worked with the mad professor? Sweet.
The Habitat Sound System

That is so awesome - I didn't even know about them.  They have a song called "Golden Hill Dub".  Awesome.  Can you say Golden Hill Block Party? Or sooner, even?

Befriend The Boyish Charms on Myspace right now, so you know about all their cool shows!  You might also want to check out Red Pony Clock - who are in their top 24 or whatever.
The Boyish Charms(myspce)

It's no secret that I'm a huge MC Flow fan.  I just think what she's doing is so cool and authentic - and she's a great MC to boot!    The best part?  No incomprensible british accent to prevent you from appreciating the clever lyrics!

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MC Flow for President!

MC Flow brought her own, huge posse.  I'd never thought about the hip hop posse, so well noted in popular culture, as a kind of portable audience, but I think it's kind of useful in that sense.  I mean, if you're some underground hip hop audience, and you can bring 50 people into a club in some city, that's a significant following.  It really dovetails with "the guest list" concept in rock/club culture.  But my point is that MC Flow is popular - people really like her and come out to see her perform.  She would be a good headliner at a Beauty Bar show - especially on a Friday or, i dunno - Saturday night?  I'm just saying. If there was a Saturday night free unexpectedly or something.

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MC Flow with Special Guest/Birthday Girl Lauren DeRose

She brought birthday girl/guest star Lauren DeRose onto the stage to do a number.  I'm almost...almost...tempted to go see MC Flow at all acoustic event she's doing at Twiggs.  So close!  I know she's playing the Casbah on Wednesday, September 6 with:  Sir Splendid, Hazard County Girls, bill, MC Flow- $7. And well worth it! bill! Sir Splendid!

Be MC Flow's myspace buddy-  i love her profile.
MC Flow (myspace)

And vote MC Flow for best hip hop! Because it will be mayhem when she wins! A vote for Flow is a vote for chaos (so it's very punk rock).
San Diego Music Awards(click "vote" tab on left)

Sessions Fest Review Part 3:  Jezebel & The Sess with Two Appendix: Squiddo & Edgartronic (a borderline MEGAPOST)

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Cat Dirt Records fucking cares about the community & positive change. And money, glamor and suicide.  All those things- and more.  We're complicated that way.

This "community mural" was the idea of the golden hill community development corp.
I love this quote- "If you don't like something, change it.  If you can't change it, change the way you think about it." -maya angelou(not on the photo).

So, that's cheesy- but that quote speaks to the power of culture- change the way you THINK about it. OK. Moving on.

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Jezebel @ Sessions Fest

I'll tell you what- Jezebel keeps growing on me.  More people need to hear this band.  They certainly have an accessible sound, good vox, tight playing.  What's up with the lack of love, San Diego?  Have you heard Victim on their myspace? That is a great song!  Despite the crowd apathy I thought Jezebel played a great set.  More people need to get into Jezebel.  Fans of Joy Division, Interpol- hell, She Wants Revenge?  SHE WANTS REVENGE? Are you kidding me?  They were made up by Fred Durst.  And yet people ignore Jezebel. Tragic.


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"Relax & Enjoy the ride.....sess!"

The Sess were a highlight.  Everyone agreed.  Everyone also agreed their set was way... too... short. And I agree to- not sure what's up with the sess.  They're kind of...mercurial- or taking mushrooms or something.  The Sess are so awesome I hestitate to even describe it.  LOVE THE SESS.  Please pronounce it "SESH".  OK- whenever I hear someone pronounce it "sess" i feel embarassed.  I only correct people if i like them, so don't take it as an insult, but rather a compliment.

Can I spend just a moment here promoting the show @ HOB Sidestage 9/4/6 21+ $5 8 PM. Bam
The Prayers(the new hotness)
Vinyl Radio(appeared @ Casbah show for Local 94/9
Delta Spirit(appeared @ SDSC show)
The Sess(Sessions Fest, SDSC, upcoming show in LA w/ Fifty on Their Heels)

Bam! Bam!  Monday night.  Attendance is mandatory.  That's all I'm going to say. House of Blues Brand Hurricanes on Cat Dirt(yum- full of juice)!

Anyway- The Sess fucking rock.  They had their legion of fans- including that dude up in front there with the big hair- and there is Joey from the Atoms.  The Atoms totally represented, which was great.  Did you hear "Format" the new atoms song on their myspace profile? Check that shit out.

The Sess(myspace)

Interlude 1: Squiddo Stages a Drive By

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Squiddo Sessions Fest Drive By

OK this was unplanned, which is why it is in an appendix.  It happened between jezebel and sess, which is why it's placed AFTER today's review.  Basically what happened is that Squiddo loaded themselves into the back of an el camino and played whilst circling golden hill park.  Then some... park ranger... got all up in their business... even called the cops(who laughed about it and decline to issue a citiation).  Then the park ranger came back and accused us of being in cahoots with Squiddo, which wasn't true.  Then... she stood around the park issuing tickets to everyone for smoking.  Which was a bummer... Then... she reported us to her supervisor in the parks department- who originally told us that our chances of having the festival were "0%" because of a "pre existing moratorium" on events in balboa park.

Let's make something clear: The city is very supportive, but the parks department seems more concerned with preserving the status quo.  Wow- a bureaucratic entity that fails to appreciate individual initiative and community spirit.  WHAT A SUPRISE!  But the city has been great, and they've scheduled a follow up meeting, so I'm sure it will all work out for the best.  Still it was REALLY COOl when it happened.


Interlude 2: DJ Edgartronic is a Gentleman and A Scholar

Edgartronic? Shit.  What a classy gent.  Bringing his turntables, coping with the blasts of wind that moved the need across the record, djing in the sun, fixing his turntables on the fly, letting Aaron(ex-Viewmasters) use his turn tables.  How awesome.  Cat Dirt Records hearts Edgartronic- and invited him to dj the golden hill block party on October 28th.  And he's doing Monday night at San Diego Sports Club, so you should check that out.


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Edgartronic capably mans the 1's & 2's.

At lunch time I'll do a post on Los Angeles band New Collapse- who were GREAT at the Sessions Fest.
Sessions Fest Review 4: New Collapse(Los Angeles)

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New Collapse are from Los Angeles, California

The biggest, most pleasant suprise of the whole day is how well New Collapse was received by the San Diego crowd.  It's obviously no secret how much Fifty on Their Heels frontman/international playboy Junior Metro likes New Collapse- on Saturday I learned for the FIRST TIME that Junior had "discovered" the New Collapse on one of his rare ventures to the creative backwater that is Los Angeles, California.  Kudos to Junior for that AMAZING find.

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Sophia, singer for New Collapse, at dusk.

I'll admit that I was concerned that New Collapse would be received poorly by the crowd but I was totally wrong- people were into it.  Sophia, the lead singer, is a powerful, unique presence and the sound- a drummer and keyboardist, are unique enought to draw attention.  Sophia has a powerful voice and her lyrics- full of themes of chaos and redemption, are worth listening to.

And they had to change a flat on their van to get to the gig in time- which makes their appearance at twilight all the more special.

Check out the new collapse on myspace- and if you want a cool cd- get that gsl comp that they're on- you can buy it from the link below.
New Collapse(myspace)Buy the Golden Grouper Compilation on GSL Records

Sessions Fest Tales 5: FIFTY ON THEIR HEELS

Everyone who's read this week should have a fair idea of what we're trying to do here.  Your next opportunity to experience the magic will come at the 2006 Golden Hill Block Party, on October 28th(that's a Saturday) on 21st between B & C.  We will announce the confirmed acts... later.  Oh- maybe i'll give that information as an exclusive to one of the other music gossip columns. Ha! that would be fun.

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Junior Metro is, in fact, the riot. @ Sessions Fest 2006

So now we're into the co-headliners: Fifty on Their Heels & iSociety! we all agreed that iSociety! had to play last.  They are the shit.  Also, they don't sound like any other local band, which is a plus.  Diversity is positive.  Also, Joey(Lady Dottie/iSociety! and Molly live on our block, across the street, basically- so, i mean-- it's OUR neighborhood.  But Fifty on Their Heels? They're awesome.  I expect major, major things from them, but in a good way.  What's awesome about Fifty on Their Heels is that they have a sound that appeals to many different people, but they have an ethic/ideology that is fiercely d.i.y.  those d.i.y. values are what drives everything Fifty on Their Heels/Cat Dirt Records does- even when it involves compromising the values!

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We consciously embrace lessons, music and style from d.i.y. punk scenes of the past, not because anyone is closing their eyes to the future, but because those people had & have the right ideas.  And you should know what i'm talking about by "d.i.y/punk scenes of the past."

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Junior Metro's performances have been compared to (and not by me, but by others, in writing) to Johnny Rotten and Iggy Pop.  That is to say, it INSPIRES COMPARISONS.  Not is "better than" or even "equivalent to".  OK?  "in the vein" of.  Junior Metro is just a sweet, innocent rock and roll pup- but he's got great moves and real energy and that's why YOU need to check Fifty on Their Heels out if you have the chance.

"Rush Press" and Nicky Shingles have rock solid timing BECAUSE THEY'RE COUSINS and have been playing together since childhood.  So they're good.  It's tight.  Do you know it only took 2 days to record the Fifty on Their Heels cd? One day for the drums and bass and one day for guitars and vocals.  More like three hours.  Because they're tight- and what you hear on the record is produced on the stage without having a lap top computer helping out(guess who i'm talking about for a prize!)

Anyway- you should click the icon to the right- in the links- of the Album cover so you can BUY THE CD.  Get it from CD Baby.  If you aren't buying five cds a week from CD Baby you suck- every single band on that site is helped every time you buy a cd from them.  Seriously-- get in the habit of buying bands who sell their stuff on cdbaby.

You'd feel sorry if they happened to sell out and you didn't have one... Woudn't you?  If that happened?  Probably.  Owning more then one is a good idea, too.  It's a "collector's item".

Fifty on Their Heels(myspace)

The show on September 10th with the Roots and Mudhoney is FREE! Fifty on Their Heels goes on at 6:15 to 6:45 in the SoCo Lime Tent/Area.  Mudhoney and the Roots play after- Spank Rock plays before.  That's a SUNDAY night.

After that is the Adams Avenue Street Fair with the Power Chords and Grand Ole Party- that will be a good bill!

Sessions Fest Review & Explication, Part the Sixth and Final: iSociety!

So here we are at the end- labor day weekend. it's a time to reflect on the summer. a summer that featured some great shows: the soon-to -be -legendary first Chicken! with Atoms, Power Chords & Fifty on Their Heels(JUNE). The great sports club show with Grand Ole Party, MC Flow and Fifty on Their Heels(JULY). This is a strong period for local music in san diego, particuarly if you like punk rock. If you combine 31G/Art Fag with what's going on with us and other bands, you have a significant thing. Inevitably, this will lead to corporate recogniition and co-option, and if history teaches us anything, it's that this co-option is inevitable. so let's enjoy the innocence while it lasts.

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joey guevara & molly approach stage via crowd iSociety! @ Sessions Fest 2006

iSociety! is awesome. Not only are they talented as individual musicians, they have a cohesiveness as a band. Perhaps it's the combination of having alot of people who have been in other bands, bands that have played alot and done well? And, you know, they play afro beat. It's great outdoors, in the san diego night. There's an energy to it that connects to the spirit out here; a spirit belied by the negative stereotypes about southern californians and their culture.

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back up singers approach stage- hotness!

Come for the back-up singers; stay for the music... Mollie- pictured above used to play in a band with... the red head from the glossines? I'm blanking on her name- and the name of the band. anyway- the iSociety! is interesting to watch.

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alot of people were there- 250 or so. Sessions Fest 2006

We had a good turn out. The response among the larger (i.e. non myspace) community was quite positive and offers of corporate sponsorship are "pouring" in. The Golden Hill Block Party will be a smaller, more inimate affair. It is on October 28th- saturday. Confirmed acts include iSociety! and Fifty on Their Heels. More will be confirmed shortly.


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