
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

left unanswered: What the fuck is a "skull kontrol"?

Be sure to check out the San Diego Union Tribune "Scenemaker" monthly feature with... Skull Kontrol! Yay!

Let's play the MO blind item guessing game:


Question: What a tool. Speaking of, who's the biggest tool in town right now?

MO: I'll describe him. He wears print hoodies, "DJs" crapola from a laptop, doesn't love music and does what he does for "chicks."

You may post guesses in the comment section. I KNOW who he's talking about- but I ain't talking shit. That doesn't mean anonymous commenters shouldn't' "SPREAD THE HATE."

And, for those of you who are going to cleverly nominate "cat dirt"- I don't know how to dj, and chicks hate me, fyi.

7/7/7 Cat Dirt Presents v. Skull Kontrol @ Beauty Bar San Diego
7/6/7 Cat Dirt Presents Vinyl Radio, Fifty on Their Heels, The Dirty Novels (Albuquerque, New Mexico!) @ The Ken Club


  1. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Must be Jamal, right?

  2. Anonymous1:56 PM

    MO is 32?!!? He must be a trust fund baby right?

  3. Anonymous4:26 PM

    jesus christ! pick on of the following (my favorite is the one that, when asked to play a song said coke-ily "uhh, III, uhh, all the songs are already set to play, uhh" whilst pointing to his apparently-untouchable laptop playlist

    -Either Shark Attack guys (aka DJ cokehead to us)
    -Saul (nice guy, still sucks)
    -Gabe Lame-a (see above)

  4. Anonymous5:00 PM

    DJing is GAY! DJs are GAY! Songs that DJs choose are GAY!

    ...So as long as you are GAY, DJ parties are sweet.

    Kind of hard to knock on other lame DJs without being somewhat hypocritical, unless you spin records at titty bars, cause there's actually some room for respect there.

  5. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Wow, pretty low blow for someone who knows nothing about me, pretty classless...

  6. Anonymous7:20 PM

    San Diego Story.
    Skulls vs Sharks.
    Cue music, in time snapping and well-choreographed dance numbers.

  7. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Nathack Black is the dude.
    1. Not his real last name.
    2. Wears printed hoodies and other assorted Hot Topic-esque accessories.
    3. Does it all for scene cred.
    4. Now uses a laptop.
    5. Bit down hard on the apple of mediocrity...practically personafying it in SD DJ's.
    6. Potato.

    Et al.

  8. Anonymous2:32 AM

    OMG, it's super cute when DJ's get all flustered about one another. I LOVE IT! Like, who is Nathen Black anyway?? i looked him up, and he kinda looks like Dr. Evil, right?! Does Mini-Me have a DJ night too? I would totally go to that in a heart beat!

  9. Does it really matter who it is??? Some of us know, some don't. For me, it's all of them. Thank you Mario for saying it out loud! It's funny that people are getting touchy about this. The very people that stand around with their noses held up high when they hear Orange Juice or TV Personalities at their favorite spots. Fuck them. Thank god for Skull Kontrol! They made it OK to play good music once again!!!

    And why is every anonymous?

  10. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Definitely PAT from Shark Attack. I've heard him say over and over again that he does it for the chicks. Which seriously disgusts me to even hear a guy admit that! Though he doesn't suck much at DJing as long as he doesn't play the same song three times in one night!

    IT'S PAT!!!

  11. Anonymous10:09 AM


    1) go to apple store, buy laptop
    2) go to american apparel, buy clothes. don't forget your bandanna! remember, you CANNOT be SCENE without a bandanna! This is VITAL! You might even want to throw in a hippie headband to increase your scene-cred.
    3) go buy serato
    4) go hit up "the blogs" and download all the "obscure" dance tracks that everyone else who reads the blogs knows about too
    5) practice using the cheater function in serato

    Congratulations! You are now an OFFICIAL Nu-Scene DJ* and ready for your first gig! Just add chicks!

    *STDs not included

    17 scene-credit points if you can guess who wrote this..... You SHOULD be able to guess who wrote this.

  12. Anonymous10:18 AM


  13. Anonymous10:19 AM

    The unfortunate thing is that it doesn't really matter that much anymore whether a DJ is skilled or not.

    Most bars & clubs are more concerned with whether the person
    behind the turntables can promote and/or has a big draw. All they're worried about is selling drinks. As long as shitty DJs have a promoting angle of some sort or keep winning the "scenester popularity contest", bars will keep on booking them. At the end of the day, it's a business to them, nothing more.

    So you're tired of lame DJs? Don't support the bars that book them.

  14. Anonymous10:48 AM

    A dance floor is no place to showcase the beats you made up on garage band. Nor is it a place to try and impress people with the most obscure shit you can find (and they can’t). Sure, DJing involves knowing a lot of music, but it’s knowing enough to play what people like to hear, not what they’ve never heard. This does not apply to the skull kontrol djs. Thanks for the 60s doo-wop, the west coast hip hop, and everything you play in between. Gabe: stick to photos.

  15. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I agree with the last guy, stop supporting the bars on the nights when the Shit DJs play (I think we pretty much know who they are by now). Don't repost their fliers on your myspace pages. Do what you gotta do to make your voice heard- and all that shit.
    A british friend of mine was talking about how, in England, DJs are like rockstars there. You have to hang around a bar for years, know the bartenders, have a KILLER record collection and basically suck their dicks to even get 1 chance to spin. He also mentioned that if anyone spun the way that these guys do-both in form and with the "music" they play-that people would literally throw their pints in their faces.

    Let's start doing that.

  16. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Skull control dj's are lame too, have they ever made a flyer that's not a washed out pic of some 60's pop band they idolize and wish they could be? C'mon i've never heard those "foolz" from skull control mash 2 decent beats together in my life. its like lets do smiths,oasis,beatles,and rolling stones to get the party started, because we are so cool because we were in the plot before our current crappy band, god save the smug dudes. At least shark attack is cool enough to admit they do it for the bitches and cocaine, that's respectable, cause bitches love cocaine, and bitches on cocaine love to dance, and guys love bitches on cocaine dancing so they'll go to the bar so be part of it. business is business

  17. Anonymous12:12 PM

    i think its a matter of what u like. there is no wrong or right in music. People express themselves in different ways. Some people are flashy like hair metal bands, some people are conservative yet really into the concept of being a dj and like to keep it old school. It doesnt make one more valid than the other. If ur playing to 2k dancing kids at a club with the best dj's in the world and/or playing your own tracks u might get heavily srutinized for making the big bucks.. but for the rest it comes down to song selection. Wether or not u are better at what u do is a matter of opinion. Some people might not agree, theres plenty of people to go around.

  18. Anonymous12:14 PM

    i can't begin to tell you all the joy this has brought me. i wish i had a speach prepared.

  19. Anonymous12:16 PM

    i do it for the chicks...because i get soooo many chicks...i do it because dancing is my life...i've been trying to get on so you think you can dance but i don't have enough this is the only way i can express myself through rad electro...i'm glad everyone you guys...see you all on the dance floor

    patrick heaney
    (shark attack)
    i didnt know so many people knew me...i must be cool

  20. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Sometimes, as in this conversation, being "hated on" is not cool. As you can see here, people are finally voicing their opinions about the music they want to listen/dance/sit/drink/fuck to in San Diego. And while that pussy-ass "you can have no opinion about music, we're all different" lesbian seagull guy is just plain ridiculous...this is a legitimate conversation to be having. You know your DJs suck when they would be laughed at in many other major cities. But maybe they would not, maybe the 21 year old coke/scene crowd would come to see them there. Maybe its us?!?
    Therein lies the question--what came first--The (shit) music or the (dumb fuck) scene kids who dont give a fuck?

  21. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Mr. Young, thank you for again using another golden opportunity to bash me. I know you're soo busy that it's difficult to find time. but, you find it. and wrong, i'm not "the dude".

    I've never done responded to a blog before so, i'll do it now while i lay in bed on my Apple laptop, after a long night of DJing and partying....for the chicks.

    Let me set this straight for everyone:

    My last name is not Black. however, i own 2 skate shops called Black Wax. I'm not the only entertainer to use a ficticious name. i feel i don't even have to explain that part, but i digress.

    you are also correct about me being mediocre as a DJ. i have never claimed to be anything more than that. i think people like me, genuinely. you wouldn't have the slightest clue what that's like.

    lastly, i do what i do becacuse i like it. nothing more. not for chicks or any other reason. this might be hard to swallow because of SD's jaded perception that everyone does what they do for some ulterior motives. not me, dude. i really do just love music. take it or leave- that's what it is.

    PEACE, and have fun with this one.


  22. Anonymous12:38 PM

    o and if ur gonna write something atleast put ur name down so you can stand by ur comment bitchasses.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Anonymous12:55 PM

    SD you remind me of my lame high school...everything anyone does is for the money, women and the weed, stinky green, i think shakespear said that.

    put down your tooters and pick up a dictionary.

  25. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I thought Young was a fake last name because Morgan is old as fuck. I think he's been in every scene since 1985. Hey Morgan...Mr Firley called...he wants his scarfs back...actually he want his whole closet back. How does it feel to be 40 and never made it? Keep playing those drums one day you'll make it out of good ol' SD.

  26. Can't we just agree that all the DJs in San Diego are terrible, and leave it at that?

  27. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Why can't we all just get along?

  28. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Nice topic Scott!
    A perfect ploy to gain readers!!!


    p.s. Dear Nate, I think Morgan is attacking me on the other post....
    You should go read it...

    All that kid does all day is sit online, SWEAR TO GOD.
    He used to always respond to all my bulletins and blogs and get in fights with me over the most ridiculous things.

    I am neutral on the subject of DJs, because they are all my friends....and I try to support everyone's nights...
    but yeah Morgs is getting on a lot of people's bad side lately...I've heard tons of people talking about all the things he's been saying to them. Maybe he's just going through a bad time right now, don't take it personally.

    He at least USED TO BE a good guy a few years ago...
    I wish he would go back to being that person......

  29. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I like it when the "fools" from Skull Control play the Stones and 60s stuff. I don't think their TRYING to be different. They just are and those laptoppers aren't.

  30. Firstly, I think any DJ should always play vinyl. Its a sign that they actually give a shit about the music and proves that they can mix. The only time a CD should be "spun" is when the vinyl version was never released. You're never, ever gonna get respect from anyone who matters if you "DJ" via an iPod or laptop. LAME!! BTW, cocaine and headbands are passe', overrated and lame. Heroine is where its at pussies!

  31. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I went to Skull Kontrol at Livewire and the one with the hat and leather jacket was so sweet to me!! he played all my jams.

  32. kids, its all about the temgesic sublingual

  33. Amen, Pseudo Pion.

  34. Some of us don't really give a shit. To me, a DJ just plays the background noise between bands. For the most part, I could give a shit what they play and what format they use to play it. No offense.

    And since I don't really care, can you guys stop posting anonymously so we can keep up? I mean, I see all of you out, it would be good to know where the barbs are coming from and where they're directed. If you're gonna talk shit, at least grow a pair and say who you are.

  35. ...if this many people came to Sessions fest...

  36. Oh yes! I love Fantasiego! off the bat here...I am moved & marveled how the high priestess of attention whoring will go to another blog(this one), point something out about another involving her and double her money for press coverage.'ve got game girl. Dreamin' - and - a - schemin' for 60hrs. a week apparently!!
    I guess I'm 86'd from Club Attention Whore now? (sorry Edgar...had too)

    And NateStar, you are the boy.
    Keep the farce alive. Eyes on the prize kid. can advise your cute little calvary of burn-outs back in AZ to ease up on the threats via MySpace. Thanks for humoring me.

    Orduno, mass kudos to you for being so vehement in upholding & honoring a tradition. In the end I still say it's a "to each their own" type thang. And thrills are just as important as skills.

    I'm sort of feelin' a SD Punk Board vibe here today.

    I agree with Perfik!

    Wine & roses everyone.


  37. Anonymous4:22 PM

    This is like the DJ version of Mean Girls.
    Thank you I think I peed myself laughing!!!!!!
    “Rod the Bod”

  38. some comments got accidentally rejected in the tussle, so if you don't see your comment please re-comment -

  39. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Morgan, nobody likes you and everyone talks shit about you. Just retire already, OK?

    It's over, buddy.

  40. Anonymous4:36 PM

    I shall never be unmasked! I am ANNON.
    Gotta do it so that we can still get into the right sceny bars on the nights that matter. lo ciento

  41. Anonymous4:39 PM

    'Club Attention Whore'

    ---ooooooh burn! ;)
    Honey, it's called promotion.
    Promotion = attention, whateva
    It works.
    Don't be jealous, baby.

  42. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Also, the great ANNON is the one that left the rubber band/showlace face post. But I shall never marry.

    Are you a boy/girl?

    The least we can get outta this hate mongering is an awkward blog-begun date.

  43. Anonymous4:52 PM

    No dates unless I get 6 hippie shoelace headband hipster kids out of the deal!!

    This is now going to be a puzzle. If you research this page carefully, you will uncover my secret identity!

    je suis une fille.

    I think that means I'm a girl, in french. Either that, or I'm a piece of paper.

  44. Anonymous4:57 PM

    I'M SURE!

  45. Anonymous5:00 PM

    and now Morgan Young is text messaging me.......

    oooooohhhhh he's gonna hate me forevvvvver. lol

  46. Anonymous5:10 PM

    a GIRL. DAMN IT. as if a boy would notice the strings. They are too busy staring at the flat chests 10'' below the bands.

  47. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Didn't anybody watch bambi as a child?
    If you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all...

    Thumper knows best....

  48. Anonymous5:15 PM




  49. Anonymous5:47 PM

    You people crack me up

  50. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Actually didn't Christopher Sprague, Mitch Wilson and Mario Orduno make Live Wire "cool"? I think they did a club called Contort a few years before there were ANY Whistle Stop OR Beauty Bar. Just sayin'...

  51. Anonymous6:05 PM

    This is like high school..
    or the san diego punk board at its prime a few years back.
    you're all old. grow up already.
    none of this matters, no one in this scene will ever amount to anything really, so why pretend that any of us are important or that our opinions matter?

    ps, this is san diego. not la. not new york. get over it. no one cares if you dj, let alone what you dj with. your 'fans' are coked out, drunk or trying to fuck some one while you're playing your heart out.

    this is not a personal attack on anyone, im not defending anyone, im saying that every single one of us [yes, including me] is a joke for even reading this.


  52. Anonymous6:14 PM

    working as a coffee barista and selling over priced used clothes and barbacking at the zombie and doing a crappy night called double happiness doesn't make you a dj

  53. Anonymous6:16 PM

    This blog is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Since everyone is reading this, I'm gonna take this opportunity to be a promotion whore, woooo:



    Everyone go to SKULL CONTROL!
    Everyone go to SKULL CONTROL!
    Everyone go to SKULL CONTROL!
    Everyone go to SKULL CONTROL!
    Everyone go to SKULL CONTROL!
    Everyone go to SKULL CONTROL!
    Everyone go to SKULL CONTROL!
    Everyone go to SKULL CONTROL!

    And go to the GRAND OPENING of the all NEW location etc etc of
    Fashion Whore


    Friday, July 13th

    location TBA
    (hint: it's not SDSC, it's not shooterz)


    sign up on the god damn mailing list so i dont have to leave you myspace comments anymore!

    for all you people who don't seem to get irony, sarcasm, or anything else:
    you don't have to know anything about fashion or be fashionable to go to fashion whore. that was NEVER THE POINT.

    i've heard so many people tell me "but i'm not fashionable enough to go" .........i don't want fashionable people. that's not the point. the name was a joke.

    no one gets my joke. i'm going to cry. haha

    p.s. however, you are NOT allowed to wear shoelaces on your head, or anything belonging to a dude bro.
    (unless you killed him)

    you must have a SENSE OF HUMOR to attend fashion whore

    ok, yeah I have no idea what i'm saying, i'm tired. GOODNIGHT

  54. Despite how juicy the mudslinging gets, let's not forget that we're only DJs. We help bars make money by playing artists' records. Nothing more. Can we try to not take ourselves so seriously?

  55. Anonymous7:23 PM

    i predict in the next fifteen to twenty years that one of you dj's will be the house dj at pala casino opening for snowden, the faint, or interpol. or god forbid, my wedding busting out justice remixes telling everyone to "get their nu-rave on" (whatever the fuck that is.)

  56. oh man this is soooo good... please don't ever stop. san diego punk board is incredible.

    specifically- i would like to see more comments from the people who come to this blog, read through the comment section and then leave comments like:

    "everyone grow up!"
    "you ARE so lame"

    no- you are the lame one- because if you weren't lame a) you wouldn't be reading my blog b) you certainly wouldn't be commenting on the craziest asss comment string on this blog ever- for the very first time? perhaps reading this blog for the very first time?

    no- you just ignore it- like everyone ignores stereogum. you don't leave comments on stereogum saying "hey stereogum you suck"- you just avoid it.

    fact: you post anonymously on this blog- you are a clown, and anything you say doesn't mean shit.

  57. Anonymous9:02 PM

    hey, lets leave the retards out of this..

  58. I don't know how this went from *hopefully* honest criticism of the music scene in San Diego (and don't tell me to "get a life"--music, people, bands, blogs and friends ARE my life) to a makeoutclub hater session?!? I think its just as important to like/not like the Padres depending on the year, like/not like a certain movie based on its merit and entertainment value like/not like a restaurant like/not like a person based on a true and honest judgment of their character. So why is it "hating" to not like a certain DJ? Like someone said earlier in the post-If you don't like them, just don't go to their nights, its really that simple. All of us hold the power to support/kill any annoying night in SD, so just do it with your pocketbook and your liver.

  59. Anonymous9:31 PM

    It's either

    S my DJ



    DJ Cum A Bunch

  60. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Okay babies...

    I wish the club scene here in SD was more diverse. I miss the super rad eclectic club scene of SF where no matter what music taste you had you could find a bar to hang out in any day of the week.
    San Diego is really conservative and boring in this respect. I have become so sick of techo/electronica music I could scream. There are very few local club nights that I can even stand in this city. Even the supposed rock nights disentigrate into electrocrap.
    But whatever. I'm not gonna rip on people's personalities because of it. If I don't like a club night, I don't go to it, simple as that. Which is kinda why I don't go out much any more.

    It seems like a lot of DJs around here play totally boring over played crap dance music because it's sure to get people out on the dance floor. They don't care that the music is unimaginative, it's just all about image and money. I think that's sad. But they do it because it's successful on a certain level.
    I love skull control because they have the guts to do something different, and they've been successful too. Go them.
    yayaya. stop ragging on each other. make fabulous fucking culture in this barren boring city. we need artistic inspiration.


  61. Anonymous12:19 AM

    delgado & heaney are too fat to be that big of cokeheads.


  63. Anonymous12:55 AM

    this is utterly hillarious.

    people are so busy judging eachother and claiming that they don't care at the same time- it's totally a rediculous cycle.

    admit it:
    - you DO care what people think about you
    - you DO care about who's talking about you

    and guess what? that's ok!

    sure, i'm friends/aquaintances with pretty much every DJ that's been mentioned here. but you know what? when it comes down to it, a DJ is a DJ. you're sitting behind a turntable playing OTHER people's music. it doesn't take talent, it sure as hell shouldn't make you cool OR hated. it is what it is. it's just a way of getting some attention or recognition. and really, that's all we want. all of us. and if you say you don't, you're a god damn liar.

    i say, make something YOURSELF. stop hiding behind other people's victories or talent. do your own damn thing, put some blood and piss into it, record it, and then play that for yo momma to listen to.

  64. Anonymous12:57 AM

    well lets see the fact is this in the 5 years I've known the scene id say its gotten worse when i first moved here it was 50/50 some fakes and the rest real now id say that its 70/30 so you 70% fakes can take your money and waste it as you please i don't care ill pay for live bands and that's it... if your a DJ and my friend ill come see you because your my friend or i like you not for what you play i don't care its all shit to me anyways. now for you fakes im glad you made this little place to cry about how you cant buy your way into the scene and are shunned by people who arnt into your douchbag ideas we like your money thanks keep comin and we will take it it doesn't mean you will be one of us you just act the part and im glad that i can partake in your money and nice looking girls while i live my life making fun of you. also im here because 5 other people told me about this little place i didn't even know your life's were so meaningless you had to complain on line... shows how successful your life's are now... i hope you continue down your path because look where it got you so far...
    hi im ryan you may know me and i dont care what you think

  65. I've been to live wire, beauty bar, AC, and all complaining are nothing but lil bitches.

    I could not give a flying fuck about the flyers printed or the medium being spun wether it's CD, mp3, ipod, laptops, or vinyl. Music is music. If the music is spun and I can dance to it uninturrupted then who gives a fuck what the Dj's motive for spinning is.

    I don't go to a bar or club and say "oh wait let me see if this DJ is going to use MP3's or cheat with Serrato because if he is I wont enjoy it" I dont give a damn. The only thing I care about is if they are going to spin bad music. Thats it. Im not a DJ, I'm just a regular guy out to meet girls, drink and have a good time. Can you imagine if everytime we all went out just to analyze the DJ?? I mean come on, GIVE ME A BREAK!

    I will continue to go to these bars (the ones I mentioned above) because I hate the downtown overpriced party scene. I don't give a crap who's spinning, Gabe, Saul, Edgartronic,'s sounds good to me and I havent had bad night. I just feel some of ya'lls ranting is out of some dor of jealousy. It is what it is and if there is a bad DJ out there, they cannot lie to the ear. It will sound bad and we will vote with our pocketbooks. Ya digg???


  66. Anonymous2:47 AM

    What is the deal with djs writing about themselves on here? Once again trying to look cool. Look. There's no fight to be had. The Skull Control people said what they said because they felt it. (it seemed) , and everyone else got upset.

    Who cares.

    Who cares about the Shark Attack boys? You people are giving them a valid reason to try and succeed. So what that Mike "Shark Attack" Delgado cheats on his girlfriend any time the bimbo looks the other way. Or that Patrick Heeney has coke problems (and I guess stds).

    They're little kids simply acting like clowns!!


  67. Anonymous7:12 AM

    We are teh best DJs.

  68. Anonymous9:00 AM

    I think this is a good conversation to have had. Sure there have been some nasty comments and personal attacks made, but you won't find a thread anywhere without them. There have also been some very provocative and hopefully constructive comments that if taken into consideration should hold everyone, both the Djs and the bar patrons, to a higher standard. And I think both parties could use some improvement to make it a little more fun to go out in this town. It’s good to see people getting reamed a bit for what they thought they were getting away with. It’s also good to see Skull Kontrol getting the props they deserve.

  69. Anonymous9:44 AM

    So I really, really want to know:WHO ARE YOU people who hate Mike and Pat so much?

    There seems to be a ton of you.

    You're going to make them famous with your hatred! [maybe this is their secret plan...]

    I'm supposed to be making a flyer right now, but I find this amazingly ridiculous blog much more entertaining than working.

    In fact, I may just quit my job and hang out on this blog for the rest of my life instead!

    No, but seriously....
    Who are you people?

    Tell me. I'm bored! I need San Diego Scene Drama to complete me!

    m y s p a c e - m e !


    Then we'll get a better variety and we'll get a better connected experience at shows with the groups.... let's hear what we're all really into.

    The Swedish Models Dj'ing at the next Vinyl Radio show? Should Mark bring his 8-track collection and Keith bring his Mother Hips collection, nah, some Savoy Brown! Why not.....

    ~ Andrew

  71. Anonymous10:57 AM

    It's a little lame when the DJ's names on the Fliers are bigger than the bands name.

    I don't think the SD music scene is lame though, it takes scenesters to build a scene and if you are in a band, you can go to as many shows as you want without falling under the classification of a scenester. Even Morgan is not a scenester.

    I like seeing people at shows/bars/clubs whether they are fat and ugly computer nerds or smokin hot blondes in vintage dresses, although I prefer the latter.

    DJing is the easiest expression of music. As much as it deserves no credit, it brings out the ladies, so I don't really mind when said DJ's come out of a weekend night with $300 bucks to my 6 piece bands $150.

    I don't really see the difference between a club dj, a wedding dj, or Karaoke dj, but the going rate is more than mosts bands pull for a lot less work than most bands do.
    Unless you count listening to records as practicing Djing.

    Pseudo Pion - I have a large demand on my hands and jailed suppliers. Lets hang out

  72. *sniff*
    ...making me homesick.

  73. I guess I dont understand why people who don't care about DJs (ie-the difference between karaoke, wedding, rock or electro) are even posting on here. This all started because, as band members and DJs, the Skullz had an opinion, as they should have. Music has been an extremely vital part to most people's lives-at least the ones I know. And when you don't like your job, your living situation sucks and you cant get a break (not me, those of course do not apply ;-) you might just need to hear your favorite song on a Friday night and dance to it.

    Like I said, people who don't dance, or go just to see the bands, or just to pick up chicks-go post in another forum. But for people who are specifically not satisfied with the current DJ diversity and scene, this is the place to comment. I don't care about Chevrolets VS. Fords, so Im not on fuckfords. com.

    Is this making any sense?!?

  74. shit! I never got my chance to shamelessly promote anything...

    Prayers/Scarlet Symphony on July 28th


  75. Anonymous1:05 PM

    reelmandy: of course that makes sense. it was bugging me too--people commenting to say "it doesn't matter" when obviously it does matter to some people, a lot in fact, judging by the amount of responses. it matters to people who love to dance and i don't think there are enough of those around here or this blog would not have gotten so off-topic. a shame. ps: don't i know you?

  76. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Will you all just shut the fuck up and move to Portland already? Please?

  77. Anonymous2:36 PM

    this is just silly...
    mario used to be great pals with pat before he started this dj thing. pats 21st bday was spent at marios night at kadans before any of this skull kontrol or shark attack shit was going on and other than pat and mario and i, there was maybe 2 other people there. this is someone who used to support even your worst nights mario, and the doing everything for 'chicks' thing wasnt a problem for you before when you were pals so why is it a problem now..

    and why is everyone bringing up this coke shit?
    ive been in the same room with both mike pat mario and members of the prayers with them all digging out of the same 8 ball.

    pat hasnt changed at all, why is this all such a problem for you now and why would you have to bring it up in a union tribune interview when it wasnt a problem when he was doing small nights at the sports club? you guys used to go to his nights at sports club... and he would go to all your shit too..

    i dont care about all this other shit, it just makes no sense because you guys were friends not too long ago... this is just sad..

  78. Anonymous3:21 PM

    What IS the difference between a wedding DJ and a Club DJ. Both are overpaid low-skilled jobs. I think being a wedding DeeJay takes a little more skill though, because Grandma probably prefers shaking her ass to Frank Sinatra over Skee-lo.

  79. Hi Craig.

    The difference between a wedding DJ and a club DJ? Easy. A club DJ won't play "Unforgettable" by Nat King Cole and a wedding DJ won't be rocking Orange Juice or Misfits anytime soon. That is, unless you book Skull Kontrol for your wedding. ;)

    Incidentally, DJing a wedding may be the most soul-sucking exercise ever.

  80. Anonymous5:41 PM

    A day in the life:

    read hatred

    go peepee


    hate a little


    hate some

    go caca


    hate a bunch

    grab a sandwich


    hate till tired


    log on


  81. Anonymous7:00 PM


    That interview was fine. Silly even. Who cares. Like what you like. It seems like everyone is agreeing that a lot of laptop djs suck. Right on. And if you don't think that...right on?

    The Skull Kontrol guys are cool, and if you don't agree, then whatevver. I doubt they're concerned.

    Truth is, their nights won't yours?

  82. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Someone tell this Dayna person to shut the fuck up so we can carry on.

  83. Anonymous7:56 PM

    bravo mr.anonymous.

    nevermind. its over, moving on.

  84. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Back to the JUICY interview!!

  85. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Muhahahahahahahaaaaaaa, This is soo good. Hold on, need to smoke another bowl.

    Alright ... it took me three tries to type that, I should be in the correct frame of mind for this.

    I'm gonna list all the "DJs" that I can remember right now.

    Morgan,"The Hair" - Known him for a couple of years now, always been nice to me. Even hit me up for muffins one time. I had alot of fun at his bday thing at the Ken Club. I like the music he plays.

    Wendy - Love the girl, love the music

    Nathan Black - Been nice, plays alright music

    Kipper - Heard him once, had fun. Gets too much shit for being an ex-Raver.

    Ali (Fast Tuesday) - Starts out strong but becomes a alcohol filled wrecking ball by the end of the night.

    Adam (Fast Tuesday) - Plays the harder stuff, me like. Breaks up the night.

    Ken Swagger (Fast Tuesday) - He and I have matching musical tastes, so my opinion is tainted.

    Ken Prefect (Fast Tuesday) - I like the poppy stuff he plays.

    Derek Freeze - Has the best god damn set themes ever! Like "Only albums that have ether a rainbow or a dragon it" or "Songs that piss off Jeff's girlfriend, Sam" ... SO good.

    Miggs - I enjoy it.

    Fuck, I'm running outta steam ...

    Sid and Buddha - this is a two for - Sid plays the hard stuff, Buddha supplies the rock and some pyscho.

    Ok, done.

    I will soon build and unleash on the world the ultimate setup ... digital turn table controlled 2" reel to reel get up ... using unmixed studio masters only!

    oh and I'd like to know whom the DJ was that "spun" at the Beuaty Bar some time ago ... it was right after Transit War (wow, how gay am I).

  86. Anonymous2:07 AM

    Nevermind my last post. Alas, I am fat. Not the "ph" fat either.

  87. Anonymous6:02 AM

    dayna, Mario has no specific problem with pat.

    His description was of "a tool" .... not any one specific person. Not any specific tool. I'm pretty sure this has already been made clear to pat by Mario....

  88. I dont know if it was Pat, but it was a very specific person. I was at that Mika Miko show, and whoever it was that said "shut up and play" was hassled by both the band and the audience for the rest of the show. Don't think he was just referring to any tool, though there can be a handful on any given night.

    Damn I hope this board breaks 100. Going camping today and can't wait to see where were at when I return.

    DOrk. Love internet. must disconnect.....

  89. Anonymous5:21 PM

    yep. got it. over it. lets move on.
    lets just hope that no one is afraid to put his name on their fliers in fear of being hated..

  90. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Oh my gosh. I heard about this last night. I'm in shock. Who cares about coke, laptops, fat kids, Mike Del Gado and cheating, djs, vinyl, Beauty Bar, Jamal, Union Tribune, being gay or ANY of this? Save the drama for your mama. Shoe laces on sluts can be kinda hot. In a slutty "I wish I was a model but I'm not." kinda way. Cheers.

  91. Anonymous3:28 PM

    How about "dumbest name award" to Shark Attack? Is there even a Shark Attack club? Waitaminute. You have to have a club to have a club NAME right? Posers.

  92. Anonymous1:10 AM

    I can't believe how many of you are getting so worked up over this. Get over it... everyone here loves and appreciates music, and we should respect that about each other. If you don't like what the DJ is playing, then go somewhere else.

  93. I've lived in SD for almost 3 years now, and I've only had maybe one person be vaguely rude to me. I am not really seeing where all this animosity is coming from. Penis envy? As far as who likes music more than another human, who gives a rats ass. This is a rather meaningless pissing contest in this context. Don't we all enjoy music here?

    Life is short. simmer.

    ps. this is one of the reasons that the arts never prevail is because we eat our own kind.

  94. Anonymous12:30 AM

    i dont get it...isnt there a band that formed in 1997 that is called Skull Kontrol and is on Touch n Go records? are they dj's now? or did someone just rip off a name of a band that is on a label that all these "skullz" grew up cumming over?

  95. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Andy Coronado, bassist for Skull Kontrol the band, grew up in San Diego and has been close friends with Mario since they were teenagers. I hardly think that Andy would consider it "ripping him off". Whether or not any of them "came" over their old friend is debatable. Good try though.

  96. dj's are the prop comics of music.

    i wish i made that up.

  97. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Has anyone read the Skull Kontrol blog? It's actually pretty good.

  98. Annon,

    If you think that dj's are a necessity for music to exist, then you are part of the problem. by the way music has been around for god knows how long, the first phonograph is only approx 150 years old. dj's are not music, they let you know what they think is cool.


  99. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Where do I find the Skull blog?

  100. Anonymous11:48 AM

    HAHAHA DJ Tanner. thats the best thing ive read on here yet!

  101. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Hipsters calling out other hipsters, that is awesome. This is the funniest shit I have ever read. I don't consider myself a hipster, I'm not friends with any djs, I just some stupid kid that goes to all these bars regularly to have drinks with my friends, listen to music, dance, and have fun.


    Cat Dirt, great show at the ken last night, cheers!

  102. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I like milk and cookies.

  103. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Finally something worth commenting to!!

    1) My clothes do fat. They fat perfectly.

    2) It's called soap. And "guilty as charged", I use it everyday maybe twice.

    3) I have not EVER priced a record at Record City. I order. And sit.

  104. I've been all over and heard DJs suck and DJs kill it... sometimes the same DJ doing one and the other in the same weekend. The "scene" everywhere else isn't all roses either.

    Rather than complaining you have so many fucking options it's amazing:

    1. Don't go out here. Travel to the myriad DJtastic locales around the world and roll your ass off to something fagalicious.

    2. Start bringing in talent yourself, oh messiah of masterful music. You know, when you're out cruising London, NY, Miami and Ibiza networking with the legends, let 'em know how you're changing the scene here and bringing in top talent. Oh wait, you're not. doing. any. of. that.

    3. Since presumably you're the connesueir of cool sounds perhaps you could hold weekly---hell even nightly since it's so dire---classes to train San Diego's resident DJs on the finer points of not being trendy, not using a Mac book, resisting the Serato cheater mode, and on defense tactics to fend off groupie bitches and shield against cocaine from forcing itself up their greedy little nostrils.

    4 - 99. Need I continue? You've got first class rapist wit, and with a penny for every buck of cynicism you just might be rich enough to bankroll a foundation whose sole purpose could be to enrich the lives of the downtrodden masses of San Diegan's ceaselessly suffering this abhorrent barrage of sub-par DJing your intrepid blogging has so righteously uncovered for the vile and ear intruding filth it truly is.
